Law Offices
of Alicia D. Taylor
Mediation: Helping Families Find Legal Solutions Outside of the Courtroom
​Based in Orange County, California, the Law Offices of Alicia D. Taylor offers mediation services as a non-adversarial, cost-effective alternative to litigation in family law matters.
We Have Been Helping Couples Reach Fair and Lasting Agreements For Over 25 Years
The legal agreements that you and your spouse come to should be mutually beneficial and built to last. That means making your expectations known and working to understand your spouse's expectations to negotiate a win-win solution. We receive a high volume of client referrals and have helped countless couples and families throughout Orange County. Our success is owed to the fact that we do what is best for you -- not what is best or most convenient for us.
​​​Protect Your Privacy
A sometimes overlooked benefit to mediation as opposed to litigation is that it keeps your legal concerns out of court. The process is fully confidential and under your control from start to finish. ​
Premarital and Marital Agreements
Planning For The Duration Of Your Marriage And Protecting Personal Assets
Consider for a moment how strange it is that most people find wedding planning to be an essential part of getting married, but question the importance of planning for the duration of their marriage. If planning for day one is important, planning for days two, three, four, and so forth should be important as well.
Reasons To Consider Entering A Premarital Or Postmarital Agreement
Premarital agreements are cast as nonromantic, but, in fact, they can strengthen the bond between you and your spouse while reducing the potential for conflict later on. A healthy partnership requires communication, honesty and trust. By discussing the legal implication of your marriage and coming to an agreement before your wedding day, you and your spouse focus on your marriage.
Further, marriage affects your assets and liabilities. It is prudent to protect yourself, especially if you have adult children or if you have accumulated substantial net worth, have a large retirement account, are the beneficiary of a trust, or if you own a business or real property. Premarital agreements (also called prenuptial agreements) are legally binding contracts that determine what will happen to your marital assets in the event of divorce, legal separation or death.
A premarital agreement can:
Outline which assets are contributed to the marriage and by whom
Distinguish marital or community property from nonmarital property
Include modifications to statutory spousal support
Outline what will happen to the marital estate if one spouse dies
Postmarital agreements (also called marital agreements) are similar to premarital agreements and can be entered into at any time. Couples often consider postmarital agreements following a change in the family or home life (e.g., if you or your spouse retires or leaves work to take care of the children, or if you are experiencing difficulties in your marriage).
Talk To A Skilled Mediator And Family Lawyer
Our law firm offers family mediation services for couples in Orange County, California. We have have been helping families mediate legal matters in the area for over 25 years.
To learn more about whether a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement is the right option for you and your spouse, contact our firm. Email or call 949-863-9590 to arrange a private consultation with mediator and family law attorney Alicia D. Taylor.
Where Do We Start?
We begin with an initial consultation. You will be provided with an information package that includes the mediation and fee agreement, blank financial disclosure documents, parenting plan and other materials. If you and your spouse decide mediation is the right option for you, contact our firm to schedule a two-hour mediation session.
Mediation Sessions and Homework
After the parties decide to mediate their divorce, they meet with the mediator, usually for two hour sessions. During these meetings, they work to determine a fair resolution of the financial issues, custody obligations, and all other matters necessary to complete the dissolution of the marriage. Between mediation sessions, the parties may engage in "homework" such as gathering documents, determining the value of assets or working out proposed visitation schedules. To the extent work is done individually outside the mediation, the overall time and expense of the mediation may be reduced.
Final Agreements and Judgment
When, with the assistance of the mediator, the parties work out all issues relating to the dissolution of the marriage, the mediator will prepare a written agreement setting forth all of the terms of the agreement. This agreement will then form the basis for a judgment of dissolution which can then be entered in Court. The Law Offices of Alicia D. Taylor can also assist with the filing of the necessary documents to have the dissolution agreement entered as a judgment of dissolution.
Talk To A Skilled Mediator And Family Lawyer
Our law firm offers family mediation services for couples in Orange County, California. We have have been helping families mediate legal matters in the area for over 25 years.
To learn more about whether a mediated divorce is the right option for you and your spouse, contact our firm. Email or call 949-863-9590 to arrange a private consultation with mediator and family law attorney Alicia D. Taylor.

The Law Offices of Alicia D. Taylor have been providing Orange County with divorce, family law and divorce mediation services as an alternative to litigation for decades.
Our philosophy of practice is that legal agreements between former spouses and family members should serve as a foundation for a sustainable, functional and fair future.
Our law firm mediates divorce, property division, support issues, child custody issues, and premarital and marital agreements.
Our Beginning
Attorney Alicia D. Taylor completed her Juris Doctor at the University of Southern California Gould Center and was admitted to the California State Bar in 1990. After five years of family law and divorce litigation, she began teaming with therapists and mediators and ultimately made the decision to start her family mediation practice.
Our Firm Today
Motivated by a desire to strengthen changing relationships, our law firm offers an open, professional and respectful environment for your to meet and discuss preferences, priorities and desired outcomes. Whether you are mediating a divorce or negotiating a co-parenting agreement, having a neutral third party present removes the stress of judgment or alienation and helps you move beyond emotional responses toward long term solution.
About the Law Offices Of Alicia D. Taylor
Divorce Mediation
Mediation: Approaching Divorce As A Solution, Not As Part Of The Problem
Traditional litigation may offer a greater degree of disassociation from the matter at hand, but after all is said and done -- it will be you, not your lawyer, who lives out the court-imposed legal agreement. Ultimately, it is in your interest to meet the challenges of divorce head-on and to recognize the event as an opportunity to grow in a healthier direction and relate to your former spouse in a constructive manner.
From our location in Santa Ana near South Coast Plaza, we provide divorce mediation, division of property, support, and child custody mediation services to families throughout Orange County, We focus our efforts on mediation over litigation because mediation preserves relationships more effectively and tends to produce more agreeable outcomes.
How Divorce Mediation Works
Mediation is different from litigation in that both parties negotiate from an interest bargaining perspective rather than with the intention to gain as much as possible. The main objective is to resolve your divorce without unnecessary or permanent damage.
In divorce mediation, you and your spouse have the opportunity to privately draft your own legally binding agreement. The entire process takes place outside of the courtroom. This saves you money and grants you more control over the outcome.

Alicia D. Taylor
Family matters are personal.
We honor your privacy. Schedule an initial consultation to discuss your legal situation in confidence with Alicia.
Phone: (949) 863-9590
Fax: (949) 269-0162
Email: alicia@aliciataylorlaw.com
We are located near South Coast Plaza
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:
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